Jazz Matters

Jazz Matters embarked on its journey in the vibrant world of jazz around mid-2022, initially starting as a monthly jazz mix, to quickly become a significate music platform in the Jazz world.

Encouraged by the enthusiastic response from my global audience, it became clear that jazz was not merely a passing interest but a profound passion. Thus, I made the pivotal decision to transform Jazz Matters into my flagship brand, with a monthly showcase show, and with specials and selections throughout the month dedicated entirely to the mesmerizing realm of jazz and world music.

This newfound commitment encompasses an eclectic spectrum, featuring genres like World Jazz, Fusion, NuJazz, Blue Note classics, and any other musical treasures I unearth along the way. Simultaneously, I felt the urge to delve deeper into the realms of content creation and interaction.

But my journey doesn't stop here; I am brimming with exciting ideas and projects that are currently taking shape behind the scenes. These forthcoming endeavours are designed to complement and enhance your experience with Jazz Matters.

I invite you to join me on this enchanting musical odyssey and trust that you'll relish every moment spent in the mesmerizing world of jazz.

Enjoy the Music I love.